Essential Oils

Top Ways to Stay Healthy Using Essential Oils

Young Living Oils

Hello everyone! We are in the middle of flu season, as well as, the coronavirus going around. So I know that a top priority for a lot of people right now is to boost your immune system and stay healthy.

Use an immunity roller on the bottoms of your feet every night. In the morning or in the middle of the day, rub it on the sides of your neck close to your ears. This absorbs into your skin and helps keeps your immune system in tip-top shape!
My immune roller recipe is 10 drops of thieves, 10 drops of purification, 5 drops of Lemon, 5 drops of Frankincense, and 5 drops of Oregano. If you don’t have all of those oils, just mix a few of those oils will work. Add the oils to the roller bottle and then fill the rest of the bottle up with a carrier oil. I use and like the Young Living V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex. You can use any size roller bottle for this recipe.

Drink lots of water! Staying hydrated is super important when it comes to staying healthy, but let’s face it, while water is great for you, it’s plain boring to drink! So, I add one or two drops of essential oils and my water transforms from plain Jane into a much more flavorful and exciting drink.
Some of my favorite oils to add to water are lime, lemon, peppermint, grapefruit, and tangerine.

I love to put essential oils in my diffuser for some aromatherapy! When I am feeling stuffy or need an additional immune and health boost, I like to diffuse thieves, lemon, and raven. You can’t go wrong diffusing different combinations of oils and then popping in some thieves, raven, or R.C. I like to diffuse a total of 5-10 drops of oils. You can do 5 drops of thieves, 3 of lemon, and 2 of raven. 3 drops of thieves, 3 drops of lemon, and 3 drops of raven. Play around with it, add some orange or jade lemon to the mix. You will be breathing in a whole bunch of health benefits just being around it. (I even diffuse this in my classroom and my students LOVE it!)

If you have any questions about how you can use oils, please reach out! If you don’t have oils and are interested, check out my Essential Oils page!
