Essential Oils,  Life

My Morning Routine

Hello again everyone! This summer has been a time of growth for me and I have enjoyed learning so many new things. Some of those things, I have been able to implement into my morning routine. Let’s get started!

I wake up at 7:30 and immediately take my basal temperature. After that, I get up, pull back my covers to let my bed breathe, open the blinds, and give myself a nice little stretch.

It’s time to head outside! I say hello to Bentley, my dog, and Twix, my cat, then we all go outside. I feed Bentley and then water my backyard plants. I’ve got 6 different kinds of lettuce growing from lettuce grow that I water each morning and they have been doing pretty good! They have been growing for about a month now and I’m hoping that this month I will be able to harvest them. I also have lavender, rosemary, and other herbs growing fabulously. If I need to give my plants some extra love or prunning I do this then too. We have a firecracker plant that attracts butterflys, bees, dragonflies, and hummingbirds, so I always take a moment to enjoy the beautiful things while I am out there.

Back into my bedroom, I read my morning devotional, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, and write down my morning prayer. I encourage you to start your prayers with thanking God for the blessings He has put into your life. If you don’t pray, then I encourage you to write things you are grateful for. I honestly can’t tell you how much joy this has brought to my life. It’s an amazing habit to have.

It’s now close to 8:30-9:00 and time to workout! For the past month, I have been using a free app called FitOn and have loved it! If you don’t know about this, I recommend go giving them a try. You take a little quiz about your goals, how long you want to workout, what types of workouts you like, how many times a week you want to work out and they provide a program for you. I do workouts that are around 30 minutes long and have been really enjoying them and for me they have worked. I’ve lost some weight, gained some muscle, and have fun.

After this, I hop in the shower or bath and usually watch/listen to some instagram stories or youtube videos. Nikki Phillippi is a longtime favorite of mine. I have recently started watching Sarah Therese on youtube and have been loving it! Definitely have been inspiring me to purge some things and make sure the things in my house are purposeful. For gardening, I have been watching lots of Roots and Refuge Farm videos.

Time to take care of my face, teeth, dry skin, and clothes! Wahoo! Now, I’m clean and ready for the day! It’s finally breakfast time! I turn the keurig on and while its heating up, I will fill up my essential oil diffusers and get them going for the day. Right now, I am diffusing Valor and Bergamot. Oh man, I did not know how much I would love this combo, but trust me, go put it in your difusser ASAP!! Then I finish fixing my coffee and make my breakfast. I don’t eat breakfast until 10 most days because I intermitten fast and this is about the time when I am truly getting hungry.

There ya have it! My morning routine! I have really enjoyed being able to be consistent with these things and starting my day off right!

Do you have a morning routine? Share it down below!

It’s good to be back! Talk to you soon!
