
Hello world!

Hello! I am so excited to begin my journey in the blogging world! It is absolutely crazy to be sitting here in my living room thinking about all the things I could write about. I think it would be best to start off with 10 things about me.

  1. I am a Christian. I believe that God put me on this Earth to spread His name, not mine.
  2. I am 24.
  3. My favorite TV Shows are New Girl, 9-1-1: Lone Star, and Grey’s Anatomy.
  4. I love love love skincare!! I have oily skin so I’m here to help all those oily skin girls and boys to know what works.
  5. I am a huge fan of essential oils! They work miracles. Young Living is the best brand for essential oils!
  6. I love to laugh.
  7. I am a first-grade teacher! Go littles!
  8. Looking good all the time is rough for me so it doesn’t happen.
  9. I am trying to be more healthy and take care of myself.
  10. I am not perfect.

So there ya have it! 10 thrilling things about me. ;P Now, I have to go give the dog a bath and clean out my pantry! I hope you enjoyed this little post and that you come back for more!


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