Life,  Recipes

How To Meal Plan When You Don’t Have The Time

Let me tell you, meal planning was a struggle for me! I never had enough time to figuring out my meals for the week until I found the app favoreats! It has made my meal planning 100 times easier! It uploads recipes from my pinterest and creates a shopping list that I can upload it to your grocery store of choice. It also includes the cost and nutrition value of the recipes for the week. Use my referral code “dinahmichel” to get an extended trial period of Favoreats’ premium features and to be entered into their weekly giveaway.

Here is how to get started! Download the app and sign up. Then, decide what kind of meals you want to make each day you want to cook. They have quick meals, healthier choices, slow cooker meals, one pot meals, vegetarian meals, and more! It will create meal options for you based on what you have chosen.

Try to create theme days to help decide what meals to cook as well. Example: Sunday Funday, Slow the Madness Slow Cooker Monday, Taco Tuesday (Mexican), Wonton Wednesday (Oriental Food), Texas Thursday (BBQ), Friday Favorites, and Saturday Smorgusborg. This helps you create a cooking routine!

You can then add and delete and switch out recipes from their selection or or your pinterest recipes. Honestly is is the easiest thing ever!

Here is what I have chosen for my days:
Sunday: Quick Meals and Healthier Choices
Monday: Slow Cooker Meals
Tuesday: Healthier Choices
Wednesday: Quick Meals
Thursday: Slow Cooker Meals
Friday: One Pot Meals
Saturday: nothing as we eat out ot eat left overs

Happy Meal Planning!
