
  • Life,  Recipes

    How To Meal Plan When You Don’t Have The Time

    Let me tell you, meal planning was a struggle for me! I never had enough time to figuring out my meals for the week until I found the app favoreats! It has made my meal planning 100 times easier! It uploads recipes from my pinterest and creates a shopping list that I can upload it to your grocery store of choice. It also includes the cost and nutrition value of the recipes for the week. Use my referral code “dinahmichel” to get an extended trial period of Favoreats’ premium features and to be entered into their weekly giveaway. Here is how to get started! Download the app and sign up.…

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  • Beauty,  Life

    Minimizing My Wardrobe

    Hello Beauties! Every looked into your closet and thought you had nothing to wear? Yeah, me too! Like all the time! It can be very frustrating because you know you have good pieces in there but for whatever reason you can’t seem to put an outfit together or don’t like anything you see. The Solution: Capsule Wardrobe! What is a capsule wardrobe?A capsule wardrobe usually consists of about 40 pieces of practical clothing that are very easily paired with your other pieces for a season. Why I have created a capsule wardrobe and why I invite you to join me in this process?I have recently been feeling like I’m in…

  • Essential Oils,  Life

    My Morning Routine

    Hello again everyone! This summer has been a time of growth for me and I have enjoyed learning so many new things. Some of those things, I have been able to implement into my morning routine. Let’s get started! I wake up at 7:30 and immediately take my basal temperature. After that, I get up, pull back my covers to let my bed breathe, open the blinds, and give myself a nice little stretch. It’s time to head outside! I say hello to Bentley, my dog, and Twix, my cat, then we all go outside. I feed Bentley and then water my backyard plants. I’ve got 6 different kinds of…

  • Life

    Working Out at Home

    Hello Beauties! Today I am hopping on to talk to you about working out at home. I am going to talk to you about some resources that I use that are FREE to workout at home and my workout schedule. So in this time of unorganization it is really easy to stop working out. I had been doing a really good job of working out 4-6 times a week, but duringĀ  spring break I had the flu and couldn’t physically work out. So off the band wagon I fell. So next week came around and I was like okay Dinah you got this fresh week, you can do this! And…

  • Life

    Studying and Reading your Bible

    Hello, my wonderful people! Today, I am coming on to talk about Bible Studies and reading your Bible. So during this year, I have been really trying to set my priorities straight and putting God back as the head and king of my life. What this meant for me is trying to actively search and know God through prayer and reading the scripture. Now being a teacher is crazy, and there are times when you don’t feel like you have time for anything besides your students and everything that we as teachers do. However, I realized that there is time if we set our priorities up the correct way and…

  • Life

    How to Stay Productive

    Hello Beautiful People! This week has been crazy for me, as I am sure it has been for all of you! I want you to know that I am praying for each and every one of you in the unsure time. God is in control and He is working everything out for good. I know that sounds crazy to say but I just finished reading Job and we don’t have the same vantage point that God has, so while we are confused, scared, and unsure. He is not. He is in control. He is going to use this time for His good. Stay at it, people! Now, something that I…

  • Life

    Hello world!

    Hello! I am so excited to begin my journey in the blogging world! It is absolutely crazy to be sitting here in my living room thinking about all the things I could write about. I think it would be best to start off with 10 things about me. I am a Christian. I believe that God put me on this Earth to spread His name, not mine. I am 24. My favorite TV Shows are New Girl, 9-1-1: Lone Star, and Grey’s Anatomy. I love love love skincare!! I have oily skin so I’m here to help all those oily skin girls and boys to know what works. I am…