• Beauty,  Essential Oils

    DIY Toner

    Hello again beauties! Today I am going to be sharing how I make my facial toner I use every morning and night! I hope that you are staying safe and enjoying life! What you will need: A spray bottle or toner bottle (preferably glass) 2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother Witch Hazel Water 1 tsp Jojoba Oil or your preferred carrier oil Essential Oils (optional but recommended) Peppermint Blue Tansy Patchouli You can refer back to my DIY Face Wash blog post to see the essential oils and carrier oils that are best for your skin type and feel free to play around with those! On to the making!…

  • Beauty,  Life

    Minimizing My Wardrobe

    Hello Beauties! Every looked into your closet and thought you had nothing to wear? Yeah, me too! Like all the time! It can be very frustrating because you know you have good pieces in there but for whatever reason you can’t seem to put an outfit together or don’t like anything you see. The Solution: Capsule Wardrobe! What is a capsule wardrobe?A capsule wardrobe usually consists of about 40 pieces of practical clothing that are very easily paired with your other pieces for a season. Why I have created a capsule wardrobe and why I invite you to join me in this process?I have recently been feeling like I’m in…

  • Beauty,  Essential Oils

    DIY Face Wash

    Hello everyone! I wanted to hop on and tell you how I make my face wash as well as what oils might work best for your skin type. What you need: -1/2 cup of Dr. Bronners Pure Castile Soap -1 tsp of some type of Carrier oil –Foaming Glass Soap Bottle Essential oils that I use: -5 drops of Francincese -5 drops of Rosemary -5 drops of Lavendar -2 drops of Lemon (be careful with the lemon because it can be irritating) Put it all in the soap bottle and fill the rest with water. Close and shake to mix up. You do have to shake it each time you…

  • Essential Oils,  Life

    My Morning Routine

    Hello again everyone! This summer has been a time of growth for me and I have enjoyed learning so many new things. Some of those things, I have been able to implement into my morning routine. Let’s get started! I wake up at 7:30 and immediately take my basal temperature. After that, I get up, pull back my covers to let my bed breathe, open the blinds, and give myself a nice little stretch. It’s time to head outside! I say hello to Bentley, my dog, and Twix, my cat, then we all go outside. I feed Bentley and then water my backyard plants. I’ve got 6 different kinds of…